Laptop info by Hyderabad babe Yasra Amin

Laptop info by Hyderabad babe Yasra Amin
Lollywood Hot Girls

Lollywood Hot Girls

Yasra Amin sends her photo and wants to share her feelings about Laptops and Notepad PCs. She belongs to Hyderabad (Sindh) but they shifted due to transfer of her father, which is working in Govt sector to Islamabad.

Yasra says Laptops used to come in drab grays, whites, and blacks. Slowly, silver and platinum colored laptops began to find mainstream acceptance. Shortly after that, colors began to invade the market. Now, you can get a laptop in any color of the spectrum, including pink.

Pink laptops are clearly the most successful colored laptops to find mainstream acceptance in today’s market. Marketing for pink laptops has targeted everyone from teenage girls to career oriented women. Not only has the pink laptop revolution reached homes, it has reached workplaces as well. Just a quick search on Google for the term “pink laptop” returned over three million search results. How’s that for mainstream?

In marketing pink laptops and targeting a wide range of women, companies that provide pink laptops have opened the door to an entire array of reasons to own a laptop computer.

Stand Out – A pink laptop is a sure way to grab attention. Whether you’re a teenager using her laptop in class or a high profile businesswoman, extra attention is always a good thing.

Make a Statement – Your pink laptop makes a statement about you and your personality. It says, “I’m bright, I’m cheerful, and I’m someone to pay attention to.” Making a statement about yourself and your character has never been so easy.

Please share your experience with Yasra in comments box………

Photographer Adisha Imran from Faisalabad

Lollywood Hot Girls
Photographer Adisha Imran from Faisalabad

Digital Photography is a fun, have you ever tried to take pictures in a poorly lit room with your point and shoot camera? How was it? Doesn’t your subject turn out to be completely blown out by the flash? So, below are 5 tips to help you avoid this common flash blowout.

1. Stepping back

Various digital photography tips told you to get close to your subjects so that you can fill up your frame. However, the closer you get to your subjects with flash, the brighter they will get.

2. Bounce the flash

As any point and shoot camera user already knew, you can’t control the direction of the flash (DSLR flash unit can be twisted and bounce the light to other direction). However, you are not cursed to stick with this situation forever. You can change your fate with some effort.

3. Diffusion

Unlike DSLR camera users, compact digital camera users can’t control the output of the flash. If you know that your flash is too strong, what you can do then is to stick white tissue or cello tape over the flash unit.

4. Setting

Now this is the time when you look into the setting your point and shoot camera and use the ‘night mode’ to avoid flash blowout. In this mode, your camera will automatically slow down the shutter speed and take the picture with flash.

5. Add more light

This is the most obvious digital photography tips ever. However, this might not be effective when you are in a party or clubbing. You can literally get yourself kick out of the room when you do that. These lines sends us Adisha Imran from Faisalabad Pakistan, She writes more that “ I am self confident, strong gale and I am honest and sincere. I want to make friend who has sense of humor and sincerity as well (this is very essential for me).

This picture was captured with Neha (her friend) in a wedding by Iram (Neha’s sister).